Who We Are

The Northampton St. Patrick’s Association is a 100% volunteer managed organization with the focus of promoting Irish Culture throughout the city of Northampton and beyond. We do this through community events, financial contributions to local charities, volunteer activities and more.

The Board

President: Erin Cahillane
Vice President: Justin Pelis
Treasurer: Linda Bushey
Past President: Meggan Gilboy

Georgie Brunton
Kathy Curtis
Ken O’Brien
Caitlyn Shea Butler
Kathi Shea

Committee Chairs and Important Contacts:
Irish Afternoon of Fun on March 9th:
Brenda Ryan: 413-348-7451

Student Awards: Caitlyn Shea Butler: caitlyn.shea@gmail.com

St. Pat's Breakfast on March 15th: Sam Falcetti: 
stfalcetti53@gmail.com (best to contact after 5pm)

Party after the Breakfast at Fitzwilly's:
Tim Driscoll: timed1@live.com

Daley and Halligan Memorial: Bill O'Riordan: 413-548-0886

Holyoke St. Patrick's Day Parade and Holyoke Events: 
Kathy Curtis: kmartins100@yahoo.com
Brian O'Connor: bjoconnor10@gmail.com
Justin Pelis: jpelis@lookpark.org

"Be Like Mike" Party After the Parade at Jj's:
Lorraine Weimann: 413-896-4700